
Explain how scarcity and choice go together?

Scarcity of resources having alternative uses compels every individual and society to make choices in the use of resources in order to obtain maximum satisfaction. Clearly choice arises because of scarcity. Thus scarcity and choice go together.

What is meant by a centrally-planned economy?

A centrally-planned economy is one in which all economic activities are planned and decided by the Central Authority or the Government. Its two main features are: (i) Resources are owned by the government and (ii) Main aim of production is to maximise social welfare. All central problems are solved by conscious decions of the Central Authority appointed by the government. It is a form of socialist economy.

 What is meant by a market economy?

A market economy (or a capitalist economy) is a free economy in which all economic activities are organised through the market, i.e., through market demand and supply. The economy operates automatically through price mechanism. Price mechanism is a system of exchange in which market forces of supply and demand interact freely to determine price of the product. Producers are guided by profit motive and consumers by more satisfaction. Its two main features are private property and private profit motive. It is a form of capitalist economy.

 How are central problems solved in a free maket economy?

Through price mechanism because it is the market price determined by free market forces of demand and supply which guides the producers 'what, how and for whom to produce'.

Can there be an economy without an economic problem?

No because scarcity of resource is the basic feature of every economy.
