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Martha2714's profile

Mallcore kid 

I generally give WoW a break in Q2 of every year. The company give me a promotion to the Team Leader position because of my work and knowledge related to games. Theres sales galore mostly capitalising on Corona virus and people self-isolating, but I must commend Good Old Games (GOG) for their giveaway of 27 games to keep players busy and mostly without the hassle of latency from other players in multiplayer, or huge download sizes. Learning through larps (or games in general) is all about skill transference. But any game - larp or otherwise - that lets you solve a problem with an ingame skill means that you dont have to train that skill in real life. So, put your focus points in HP first, then according to your skill choices. All your Gold, gears, items or anything else you have in your account will then be sold for money by the successful phisher. Sure, Ive logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared at the screen for 5 minutes before logging off. With all of my expenditures, I was down to around 35k liquid, but thanks to the still growing glyph market, Im back up over 50k. With the Faire coming to town and me having a few completed decks and a lot of...