General Dentistry in Gordon

Every family should have a high-quality dentist with whom they can build a trusting relationship.

Although our office offers numerous dental services featuring updated and modern technology, gentle and thorough cleanings and check-ups are still at the foundation of our practice.

Family-Oriented Dentistry

Our team recognizes the importance of providing the services families need and customising care for kids. Our office is comfortable, and our hygienists, assistants, and front desk staff are friendly.

Outstanding Oral Hygiene

Regular cleanings and check-ups are a key ingredient of any healthy preventive care routine. These allow us to give your teeth a thorough cleaning to remove the plaque and tartar that build up on your teeth over the months.

By examining your teeth during your visit, we are able to screen for any issues that may be developing, such as tooth decay or gum disease. Instead of waiting until a problem is in advanced stages, we are able to identify issues early and avoid extensive treatment down the line.

We recommend your child start seeing a dentist early to monitor their development. As children lose their baby teeth and grow new teeth, it’s important to check in and ensure the constant changes associated with a developing child’s teeth are occurring properly.

We also know how important your time is and will do everything we can to ensure that your regular visits begin on time and are completed efficiently.

Comprehensive Care

We hope that with proper oral hygiene care and regular cleanings and check-ups at our office, your teeth will be healthy and problem-free. However, if you do require additional care, we offer many types of treatment in-house. If you happen to require a service that our office does not provide in-house, we can refer you to a qualified, local specialist to fulfill your needs.

We look forward to satisfying more patients each day. Call our office to schedule an appointment for you and your family.