Russia Market Trade Intelligence Platform

We are a prominent market research source for Russia’s import and export data, as well as our data consist of customs-based cargo information. We are providing accurate & authorized Russian custom trade data. Among our customers are: importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers, market research agencies, logistics companies, financial institutions, sales & marketing teams, media groups, NGOs, and other businesses. Our data is being verified by the Russian customs trade department. Our AI System did the data mining & data processing for getting high-quality precise information.

russia trade intelligence platform
Russia trade data services

What We Serve?

  • Russia import data - According to the client’s need, In importing, we provide HS Code, product description, Cargo details, Total value, total quantity, product destination, etc.
  • Russia export data - we provide an opportunity to keep an eye on the competitors and get a chance to seize all business opportunities. In exporting, we provide the company name, product description, quantity, destination, etc
  • Analysis report - In accordance with the requirements of the client, we provide an authorized in-depth information sheet that contains extra information such as brand, model, type, etc.

Who we serve?

  • Buyers - Track sheet of every single shipment activity that happens in Russia and accesses the opponent’s trading details for making a better strategic plan.
  • Sellers - In the datasheet, get access to port details where you will do the profitable business, analyze the market demand, and at what price they exchange goods & services.
  • Logistic companies - Connect to the Logistics companies that will help you in your import-export business.
  • Market Analysis - Stay up to date with our data on every cargo activity, we provide on Russia’s import-export trade data.
  • Financial Solution Providers - Create new leads in the Russian market and provide them with your best financial solution to expand their business.
  • Other - Our trade statistics are helpful for NGOs and the sales & marketing Team to find new clients in the Russian market.

why choose us
why russia trade data services

Why Choose Our Services?

  • Get a chance to access the market strategy to find new ideas for your business.
  • Stay up to date with every cargo activity happening in the Russia Trading business.
  • Keep an eye on the competitors and seize all business opportunities.
  • Know your competitor's strategic plans & create an effective long-term plan to expand your business
  • Reduce Risk in business by choosing Exim trade Data services in Russian trading market.